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Hoodia Facts

Latin Name: Hoodia gordonii

Common Names: hoodia, Bushman's hat, Queen of Namib

Family Name: Apocynaceae

Hoodia is a cactiform, succulent flowering plant that grows in the deserts of Namibia and South Africa. It grows wild only in the Kalahari desert and has traditionally been used by the San Bushmen of the Kalahari desert in Africa to suppress appetite and prevent hunger while going on long hunting trips in the desert. A Dutch anthropologist was the first to observe this use in 1937. Hoodia is a protected plant and is among 400 medicinal plants considered to be at risk of extinction. Hoodia has become very popular in the west as a weight loss supplement.

How does Hoodia work?

Hoodia's active ingredient is a molecule P57AS3 that acts on the the hypothalamus (the brain's hunger center) which controls hunger. Phytopharm - a British pharmaceutical company holds the patent to the molecule P57. According to Phytopharm scientists, this molecule causes the brain to think that you are full. It takes away interest in food and represses hunger.

Benefits of Hoodia

  • Hoodia suppresses appetite
  • Hoodia helps in weight loss by delaying onset of hunger and repressing hunger
  • Hoodia is a natural plant
  • Hoodia has no known side effects
  • Hoodia has no known interactions with other drugs

Hoodia in the news

Hoodia was featured in CBS News 60 minutes program. Reporter Lesley Stahl visited the Bushmen in the Kalahari desert and ate a stalk of hoodia which grows wild in the Kalahari desert. She reported that she felt no hunger all day and also had no desire to eat or drink. She also had no after effects.

Research on hoodia was started in the mid 60's by South Africa's national laboratory and took them 30 years to isolate hoodia's active ingredient. They licensed it to Phytopharm a British pharmaceutical company. Since hoodia is an indigenous plant whose knowledge was known to the local tribesmen, they reached a settlement with the National Lab whereby the Bushmen will get a percentage of the profits. Phytopharm has conducted research and clinical trials on of which showed that people taking hoodia consumed 1000 calories less than normal per day.

A major issue is that hoodia grows wild only in the Kalahari desert and is an endangered species on the list of 400 plants that can become extinct by overcollection. Efforts to create synthetic P57 molecule failed. So Phytofarm has now created hoodia plantations in South Africa and is marketing hoodia in its natural form.

Hodoba Hoodia

Hodoba Hoodia is the original brand featured in CBS News and contains 100% authentic Hoodia gordonii powder. Hodoba Hoodia is certified 100% pure South African Hoodia. It is organic wild harvested and carries higher potency. It helps you lose appetite and the weight. It is free of hoodia side effects.

Side effects are caused when Hoodia products containing fillers and stimulants are taken. You should always check the label to ensure you are getting pure undiluted hoodia. Flowing agents severely degrade the amount of P57 actives you receive by diluting the level of Hoodia gordonii powder needed to properly suppress your appetite and make you lose weight.

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